Being Pregnant Amidst Threats of Covid-19

The CDC recommends for pregnant women to take extra precaution in avoiding the Covid-19 disease, despite their exclusion from the vulnerable sector.

The Centers for Disease Control gives emphasis to the fact that while pregnant in the midst of an ongoing pandemic, the body still goes through physiological changes that increase vulnerability to infections; not only from the novel coronavirus but from other known viral diseases like pneumonia.

The changes include diminished lung capacity, increased heart rates and what medical professionals call “distracted immune system.”

Moreover, Dr. Romeo Galang, an OB-Gynecologist who is currently in the CDC’s Covid-19 Emergency Response Team, said that physiological changes during pregnancy while in the midst of a health crisis, puts childbearing mothers at greater risks of premature delivery and miscarriage.

Nonetheless, CDC experts give assurance that vertical transmission does not transpire from mother to baby, in cases of pregnant mothers who tested positive of Covid-19. This denotes that since the virus was not detected in the amniotic fluid, cord blood or breast milk of the child-bearing patient, birth defects due to Covid-19 are not likely to happen.

Pregnant while Under Stay-at-Home Order

Not a few working mom welcomed the stay-at-home order not only as safety precaution for their condition, but also for the free time given them in planning for their baby’s delivery. As they will soon be statistically counted as one of today’s millennial moms, many are also researching about the Z Generation since they will soon be parenting one.

In all probability, they will have learned from the Internet that millennial moms have taken a different approach to raising their children, when compared to how their own parents raised them. According to popular surveys, millennial parenting is shaped by emerging technologies. They think, communicate, interact and behave as parents, while using smart phones, applications and other smart devices as fundamental tools.

In being pregnant and at home most of the time, a future millennial mom will have plenty of time to think of how she plans to raise her child. Since one is likely to be looking into articles and blogs of how to effectively raise another member of the Z Generation, they are likely to read about millennial moms who are inclined to give their daughters or sons more freedom and independence.

One of the reasons that gives millennial moms the confidence to do so, is because advancements in technology afford them the capability to monitor their children without having to physically hover over them. Actually, the use of every new technology available, including drones or quadcopters, in keeping track of their children’s activities, locations, and even their moods, have earned millennial parents the moniker “drone parents.’

Just a word of caution though, child psychologists say that going to extremes in behaving as a millennial parent can have adverse consequences. Children growing up while constantly being monitored under the watchful systems of their tech-dependent parents tend to develop a rebellious attitude.

Using a quadcopter to watch over a child playing outside, while a parent is engaged in doing house chores or work-from-home jobs, would have a calming effect for both. However, if literal drone-parenting continues in a child’s adolescent years, this would not produce the same effect. It could be taken as lack of privacy and freedom, at a time when they want to explore what life has to offer on their own.

What we suggest is to gradually ease up on drone parenting methods once a child enters his or her preteen years. As they go through physical, mental and emotional developments, they will likely want to have more space in which to evolve; and without parents looking closely into their every choice, step and move.

Since we are in the topic of using drones, you might consider using one in case you want to monitor, or even just view things outside your home while quarantined. If you don’t have one but are planning to buy, look for the newest types under the 2020’s drones for the money category.