Safe Pregnancy and Video Games

There are many good things that could happen by playing games when you are pregnant, like the fact that it helps pregnant women to feel more relaxed and at ease. It can even help in taking away the stress and difficult of pregnancy by playing games and using modengine to make the characters unique to them. Learn more about gaming while pregnant in the next paragraphs.

Pregnancy and Gaming

There are some experts arguing that pregnancy and video games don’t go well together, that it can cause harm to the baby.

On the other hand, there’s no real scientific proof confirming this theory. As of now, what scientists have only confirmed is that radiation emitted by smartphones can be harmful but might not to the extent to what people imagine. Among the bigger concerns though is the lack of sleep during pregnancy.

The Lack of Sleep

In a study conducted in 2015, it showed that lack of sleep could be harmful for the baby. In addition, there are certain medications like benzodiazepines that might be harmful too. Preferably, expecting mothers should get as much sleep as they can. Not only that, the study confirms as well that a lot of pregnant women are experiencing loss of sleep.

About 64 percent of pregnant women will experience times where falling asleep is a real challenge. Now, based on this study, it is very unlikely that playing games will help resolve the issue. Meaning to say, there are pregnant women who should avoid playing video games at night time for them to sleep faster.

Backed by Research

In another study performed in 2015 showed what kinds of radiation is influencing spontaneous abortion, particularly smartphones. In the study, it says that the prolonged usage of mobile devices like tablets and smartphones could be connected to premature spontaneous abortions.

Obviously, there are numerous variables that can be factored in similar to SAR level of the device or the personal variation just like education, employment, history of labor, family relationships as well as history of abortions. Still, it is safe to limit all kinds of radiation sources in the house of a pregnant woman.