Pregnancy & Knitting The Superstition

Relatives are always worried about a pregnant woman and want to protect her from all kinds of dangers, including with the help of signs and beliefs. As a result, she is not allowed to do almost anything; even the most harmless and natural activities cause fears. For example, is there any sense in the fact that expectant mothers are forbidden to knit?

• The ban on knitting is nothing more than a folk omen . There are no medical contraindications to this activity, so do not hesitate whether you can knit during pregnancy – the answer is obvious.
• Knitting soothes, helps to relax, adjusts for future motherhood.
• Of course, this activity should be treated without fanaticism. Don’t make yourself tired, sit in a comfortable position and set up good lighting.

Where did the idea about the dangers of knitting come from?

Since the time when midwives took delivery of women at home and mankind has not yet invented effective ways to help a woman in labor, the belief has survived that during childbirth all the knots need to be untied in the house. This action is still considered a symbol of easy delivery.

It was also believed that if a pregnant woman ties knots (including knitting), the baby may form a umbilical cord knot . From a medical point of view, all these statements make no sense. They are so absurd that it never occurred to any specialist to test them using scientific methods, and the answer to the question of whether it is possible to knit during pregnancy cannot be found in any medical book.

Can pregnant women knit?

Knitting during pregnancy is not only very pleasant, but also useful, as this activity helps to calm down. Such a measured process will not harm either the expectant mother or her baby.

However, as in any other business, you do not need to be too zealous in knitting, it is better to take reasonable breaks and treat this activity as a hobby, and not as a job that must be done quickly. It is necessary to monitor the position of the body while knitting and try not to strain the eyes and spine.

While knitting, you need to sit in a comfortable position, perhaps with something under your feet so that they are raised and not swollen. If a woman is tense, the loops are tight, and the movements are constrained. This stress should be avoided and the hands should be relaxed.

Knitting of things for the baby psychologically prepares the mother for his/her appearance. Collecting a dowry is one of the first manifestations of caring for a child.

In addition, knitting helps to save the family budget like getting it from knitpro , because yarn is cheaper than ready-made items. Just remember that children grow up very quickly, and ten knitted blouses of the same size, most likely, will soon migrate to the newborn children of friends.